Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dream Diary - #1?

Sometimes I have some really unusual dreams that I'd like to remember, but unfortunately forget by the end of the day. So I'd figure I write them down when the chance strikes.

I had a dream where I was with a group of people in some kind of building, and from what I could recall from small details, it was probably some kind of dinner party or a dress-up event held at night. Apparently, we were the last few remaining, and just as we were about to leave, a group of armed, masked people were attempting to kidnap us, maybe for ransom or something. We managed to seal ourselves off in a certain area of the building, but it was inevitable: they were going to get to us eventually. One woman tried to make an escape through a small window in a... bathroom (probably intended to be the restroom, but, you know, dreams), but one of the masked men were waiting outside, and even held her away by pouring a can of gasoline on the bathtub.

Afterwards, the scene changes, and we as a group are being moved away, outside, by gunpoint, towards a black car in an alley. I contemplated escaping through a different alley, but since they supposedly all had guns... and it was a long alley, I just went in the car.

Scene changes again, and it's daylight, dunno if it's the following day or a few days later. I'm being driven around by one of my captures, and from the way he carried himself, probably even the boss. He was driving me somewhere, and it seemed like I was kidnapped for this purpose, whatever it was. Anyway, he got hungry, and parked in front of a hot dog-related fast food restaurant, and he wanted ME to go out, alone, and get him something to eat. Of course, I used this as an opportunity to escape, even if it meant they would hunt me down somewhere down the line. For some reason, too, I asked if I could use the restroom, possibly to give me some extra time, just in case he was wondering why I was gone for too long, and he was fine with it, oddly. So I went, and I couldn't find a restroom inside the restaurant, so I exited the building, in plain view of my kidnapper, and entered the connected building, a bank.

The empty bank had a ginormous window in, again, plain sight of my parked kidnapper, and at this point, I reconsidered running away. Here, I almost gave up, and slowly walked out of the bank, but then I had a change of heart. I marched back into the bank to see if there was an alternative exit, and there was: a stairway/escalator down to an underground mall center. I ran down the somewhat packed facility, and looked every which way for an exit that lead to an opposite end to where my kidnapper was. Dunno why I didn't just find security or called the cops at this point... After what felt like an eternity of searching, I was starting to panic, because I couldn't find an exit! Finally, however, I made my way into a huge clothing store, I think, and made my way to a certain segment in a corner.

This is where things got a bit odd.

In this corner of the store, I found a tiny elevator, enough to fit one person and it was, how should I say... flapped-based? You know how with escalators, the steps appear one after another, because it's tread-based? This elevator was like that, except it went directly up and down on what looked like black, unstable flaps. I asked a nearby person, who didn't even look like he worked there, if this elevator was even usable, despite the fact it was functioning on its own. He said it was fine, and that it lead to "the towers", but weirdly, it was a two-man system: one person had to press a button on the outside, and one person had to press one on the inside for it to start moving again. So we went ahead and did that, and eventually the elevator started moving up. Well, at least I assumed it was up.

As I was standing inside the flapped-based, one-man elevator, though, it eventually, after a few scene changes, became a cargo-style elevator that was made out of steel-like surroundings. Here I waited... for a very, very, very, very long time. It was a lengthy elevator ride, and at some point, I questioned whether it was moving at all due to a lack of noise. Eventually, the elevator made its stop, but the door didn't even open for the next few seconds, which made me worried, due to the earlier two-man system. Though, it opened on its own, and I entered into the following dimly-lit condensed room. There was no exit, just a yellow-plastered advertisement on the wall in front of me. I think it was a door shutter, however, since the wall had ridges on it. After some time passing, an announcement over some kind of speaker said something to the effect of, "This area is/has been closed off for some time", to my disappointment and surprise.

I mean, why have a functioning elevator lead to a directly-closed area? It was weird. So I stood there and thought about what to do next, whether to take the long ride back down and look for another way out, or wait... and hope that a worker would come up and find me, which is an admittedly creepy thing to gamble on. I also feared that, if I waited up there, that I would be found by my captures, through the guy that helped me earlier, and gunned down on the spot. Since it was a secluded area and all. And while I was thinking on my next move...

I woke up.

I guess I wanted to write about this mainly for the elevator ride sequence, since the whole thing came off super weird. Notable was how the elevator ride actually took a long time to experience in-dream; there was no cutaways or scenes that jumped forward... I was actually, really waiting on a dimly-lit elevator that led to a dimly-lit dead end.

As for possible reasons on why I had the dream, for the past few days, I've been reading up on The Twilight Zone, its history, some of its episode descriptions, and viewed its openings on YouTube. I even watched one episode, The Obsolete Man. A day before the dream, I was playing Metroid II, a game notable for its atmosphere, among other things. Prior to falling asleep, too, I watched the first three episodes of Ultra Q on DVD, the first series in the Ultraman franchise. However, as the first in the series, it didn't have Ultraman, and was more influenced by The Twilight Zone/The Outer Limits. The opening and closing narrations even reflected this.

Now I gotta go back to sleep after writing this up, since I gotta be at work in a few hours. So who knows what I might dream of next.

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